Saturday, February 14, 2015

Feb 15 - NRA Action Shoot

This was the first time at NRA Action shoot for me and a few others, a good turnout with more people joining and doing safety training.

The course is 7 sets of targets and a final clanger to finalise the time. This is counted up with hits, down for missed targets and put with a time score to give a final. In some cases the scores have come to the 5th decimal point (10000 or a second) to find a winner.

Great fun and run one after another. Video here.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Rapid fire .38 Special

A short video of a younger member shooting with a .38 Special rapid fire. 


Sunday 50m Service

Last Sunday was the 50 metre (yard) Service shoot. I have attached a bad score to show you how not to do it. Also some better maths would be good.

Come out on Sunday beginners welcome.