Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Safety Matters

Safety Matters

Remember as a licensees who shoots you need to do so in a manner which does not compromise public safety or result in trespass of another person’s property with projectiles, or use shot in a way to generate a noise complaint.

If so it can result in the suspension or revocation of the firearms licence, the imposition of special conditions on the licence, or the commencement of criminal proceedings by operational police.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Jan - 50 Metre Service (repost due to technical issue)

Last Sunday was the 50 metre (yard) Service shoot. I have attached a bad score to show you how not to do it. Also some better math would be good.

Come out on Sunday beginners welcome.

March 1st - 50 Metre Service

Today was 50 yard (metre) service shot. Just look at how far away those tiny targets look. A good crowd and lots of fun.

Here is a short video of some rapid fire, and a novelty 'instinctive - left-hand - not hitting anything' at the end.