Sunday, July 19, 2015

19th July 2015–Sunny winters day


Good shot this morning, lots of people and new members, the club is growing each week. If you join now the fee is only the half year cost.

Now, look at that one target, that is 6 x 10s at 25 metres (yards) with a 38... yikes it didn't stand a chance... And before you ask NO it was not with the scope... a video of instinctive.

PPC 15-7-19 (1) PPC 15-7-19 (2) PPC 15-7-19 (3) PPC 15-7-19 (4) PPC 15-7-19 (5) PPC 15-7-19 (6) PPC 15-7-19 (7)

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Never to cold for a shoot

Bumper crowd today, even starting cold there were close to 30 people shooting, some beginners and some gun shots… (pun intended)..

We also found out that Farm Services in Windsor who currently have a gun shop selling long arms plans to sell Pistols – sure when they start but one day soon. They are at 89 Fairey Rd, South Windsor NSW 2756, phone 4577 4056)

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 WP_20150705_010 Glock

WP_20150705_008 WP_20150705_009 Para-Ordnance P18

WP_20150705_001 Yes it was very cold.WP_20150705_003


Some of the shots to reload. WP_20150705_015